An image of The North American Sylva; or, A Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, Considered Particularly with Respect to their Use in the Arts, and their Introduction into Commerce; To Which is Added a Description of the Most Useful of the European Forest Trees by François André Michaux


An image of The North American Sylva; or, A Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, Considered Particularly with Respect to their Use in the Arts, and their Introduction into Commerce; To Which is Added a Description of the Most Useful of the European Forest Trees by François André Michaux


Acquired in recognition of Her Honour, the Honourable Lois E. Hole


Jeff Papineau (photographer)




Jeff Papineau (photographer), “An image of The North American Sylva; or, A Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, Considered Particularly with Respect to their Use in the Arts, and their Introduction into Commerce; To Which is Added a Description of the Most Useful of the European Forest Trees by François André Michaux,” Bruce Peel Special Collections Library Online Exhibits, accessed March 16, 2025,

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