Mrs. Conibear, trader and entrepreneur, posing in front of her Fort Smith home with a bag made from the a moose fetus' hide by an Inuit craftsperson. 'Tea bags' like this were used much like a market bag. This image is also represented among Miriam…
A canoe hulled with birch bark, pictured on the shore at the Fort Norman First Nations camp. This magic lantern slide has been hand-coloured, and is also available as a photo print in Miriam Green Ellis' photo album.
A First Nations woman making snowshoes. This magic lantern slide has been hand-coloured, and is also available as a photo print in Miriam Green Ellis' photo album.
Mrs. Conibear, trader and entrepreneur, posing in front of her Fort Smith home with a bag made from a moose fetus' hide. 'Tea bags' like this were used much like a market bag. This magic lantern slide has been hand-coloured, and is also available as…