An Inuit woman from Aklavik, Laura, poses behind the wheel of a car in front of the Templeman Bros. store in Edmonton, Alberta. An unknown man sits in the back seat. According to its sign, the store specializes in plumbing, heating and tinsmithing.…
Men wait on the dock with cargo to travel up the Clearwater River in Alberta. This image is also represented among Miriam Green Ellis' hand-coloured magic lantern slides.
Miss Christine Gordon poses in her garden near Fort McMurray, Alberta. She acted as postmistress for the community until the Hudson's Bay Company took over administering the mail. Miriam Green Ellis visited with Miss Gordon to follow up on her doings…
A First Nations woman tends the cookpot at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. This image is also represented among Miriam Green Ellis' hand-coloured magic lantern slides.
A group of First Nations, posing with Bishop Emile Grouard before the community of Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. Bishop Grouard spent the first thirteen years of his missionary career, the period from 1862-1875, at Fort Chipewyan.