The Fire Rangers' camp near Fort McMurray, as seen from the river. This image is also represented among Miriam Green Ellis' hand-coloured magic lantern slides.
Two steam wheelers that travelled the rivers of Northern Alberta, the A & A Company's 'Slave River' and the H. B. Company's 'Athabasca River'. Both vessels are named for actual rivers.
Buildings on rough-cleared land at the depot of Waterways. This community, situated south of Fort McMurray, was the terminus of the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway at the northernmost end of the railroad.
Bishop Grouard, an Oblate missionary, at the Edmonton train station, June, 1922. He oversaw the vicariate of Athabasca-Mackenzie, and was active in the North for half a century. Bishop Grouard is credited with bringing the first printing press to…
An Inuit woman from Aklavik, Laura, poses behind the wheel of a car in front of the Templeman Bros. store in Edmonton, Alberta. An unknown man sits in the back seat. According to its sign, the store specializes in plumbing, heating and tinsmithing.…