Browse Items (1350 total)

The main street of Fort McMurray, Alberta.

A First Nations family, posing next to their tepee. The ubiquitous camp dogs occupy the foreground.

A steam wheeler travelling the Clearwater River, as seen from the bank.

The Fire Rangers' camp near Fort McMurray, as seen from the river. This image is also represented among Miriam Green Ellis' hand-coloured magic lantern slides.

A view of the tar sands near Fort McMurray, Alberta, as seen from on the river. The deposits erode directly from the riverbank.

The steam wheeler "Slave River" waits for the wind to ease near Fort Chipewyan, Alberta.

A group of First Nations, posing with Bishop Emile Grouard before the community of Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. Bishop Grouard spent the first thirteen years of his missionary career, the period from 1862-1875, at Fort Chipewyan.

A First Nations woman tends the cookpot at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. This image is also represented among Miriam Green Ellis' hand-coloured magic lantern slides.

A sailboat on the river near Fort Chipewyan. It moved too quickly for the photographic plate's exposure, creating a contrast between the crisp background and motion blur of the boat.

Captain Myers of the steam wheeler "Slave River", leaning out the cabin window to smoke his pipe.
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