About this Exhibition

In a ceremony held at St. Paul Cathedral, 195 km northeast of Edmonton, on 25 June 1982, Mother Teresa received an Honorary Degree from University of Alberta. Image courtesy of University of Alberta Archives.
The profiles of recent honorary degree recipients were provided by the office of the University Senate and edited for length. Each profile is a summary of the achievements that merited an honorary degree and may not reflect the individual's more recent activities. For example, Jim Prentice received an honorary degree in 2013, so his profile does not mention that he served as the Premier of Alberta in 2014-15. In another example, Arthur McDonald's 2015 Nobel Prize is not mentioned in association with his 2011 honorary degree.
This exhibition uses forms of names by which honorary degree recipients are commonly known, such as Rick Hansen rather than Richard M. Hansen, and styles of address that are in keeping with the principles established for library catalogues and by the Government of Canada. For example, a former Prime Minister of Canada would be shown as "The Right Honourable," while the Premier of a Canadian province retains the "Honourable" title only while in office and a member of the House of Commons retains the "Honourable" title for life only if he or she was also a member of the Queen's Privy Council. We apologize for any errors and we would welcome corrections addressed by email to bpsc@ualberta.ca.
Bibliographic information has been formatted according to standards set by the Modern Language Association, including the rules of capitalization which differ depending on language.
Images in this exhibition may be reproduced on the condition that proper copyright permissions have been obtained (if applicable) and that the following citation is displayed with the image: “Image courtesy of Bruce Peel Special Collections, University of Alberta.”