Honorary Degree Books 2010
Hugh Anson-Cartwright
Hugh Anson-Cartwright is deeply committed to preserving the cultural heritage of the printed word. He has devoted 45 years to preserving Canadiana, developing Canadian library collections, encouraging Canadian authors, and advancing Canadian cultural organizations and institutions. As an eminent antiquarian bookseller and expert advisor, Anson-Cartwright has made lasting contributions to the future of education in our country.
Philobiblon, the Text and Translations of E.C. Thomas
This edition was prepared in honour of the seventieth birthday of the publisher Basil Blackwell. The book was designed by Ruari McLean; the lettering and coats of arms on the title pages were drawn by John Woodcock. The half-leather binding was executed by the Kemp Hall Bindery, Oxford. The text is in Latin and English on opposite pages and describes the author’s means and methods of collecting books and the rules for the library of Durham, now Trinity College, Oxford. [Z 992 A92 1960]
Dr Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura is the pre-eminent living psychologist of the twentieth century. His work is considered a turning point in thinking about personality, and he is recognized internationally for developing social learning and social cognitive theory, which states that people are active participants in their environment and are not simply shaped by that environment. Bandura's theories on self-efficacy and social modelling are fundamental to our understanding of organizational behaviour.
The Case of the Wolf-Man
This impressive artists' book combines the work of Sigmund Freud with five etchings and six woodcuts by the celebrated artist Jim Dine. The introductory essay by the philosopher and art historian Richard Woolheim considers the significance of the case of the Wolf Man for Freud, his followers, and critics. The book was designed and letterpress printed by Andrew Hoyem. The binding has a goatskin spine and cloth over boards, in a cloth and paper slipcase. [RC 465 F889 1993]
Chief Victor Buffalo
Chief Victor Buffalo is a respected Alberta leader and entrepreneur whose pioneering work has helped First Nations businesses across Canada thrive. In addition to his contributions to economic development, employment, health care, treaty rights, and language preservation, Buffalo's greatest passion has been to expand educational opportunities. Buffalo was instrumental in establishing the state-of-the-art school on the Samson Reserve.
Alberta Images
The 94 magnificent landscape images included in Alberta-born Benson’s self-published pictorial essays showcase all corners of the province. Says Benson, “Prairies, badlands, boreal forest, desert, foothills, aspen parkland and Rocky Mountains–I’ve been on every continent, at least once, photographing, but Alberta is always where I get my best images. The colour and black and white photographs are sumptuously reproduced and bound in a quarter leather binding. [FC 3662 B45 2004]
The Right Honourable Kim Campbell
Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell continues to work globally for the advancement of women, democratic development, and nuclear non-proliferation. A companion of the Order of Canada, she has served as the Canadian Consul General in Los Angeles and taught at the Centre for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School. Campbell is a founding member of the Club Madrid, past chair of the Council of Women World Leaders, and current chair of the steering committee of the World Movement for Democracy.
This prose poem first appeared in The New York Times in 2005 and subsequently in the University of Glasgow’s PN Review in 2007. It was later developed as a limited edition book in collaboration with artist Briony Morrow-Cribbs. The poem begins with a description of how God possibly “misheard” the speaker’s request for a fish and was given a scorpion instead. The speaker soon realizes that the scorpion is not merely “an insect” but is instead a beautiful creature with many fine qualities. It becomes clear that God has not made a mistake but has actually blessed the speaker with a magnificent gift. Indeed, the scorpion is a metaphor for great knowledge and wisdom. The letterpress printing was done at Heavenly Monkey studio in Vancouver with handmade papers from Reg Lissel. This copy, number four, is from the deluxe Boxed Issue (numbers 1 to 15) and includes 12 proofs of all the aquatint illustrations and a pamphlet that chronicles how the artists collaborated on a two-year project with numerous design challenges and intricate printing processes. This copy is one of six with the specially-designed vellum binding by Claudia Cohen, and it includes a gorgeous suite of etchings hand coloured by the artist. [PS 3561 E3655 I85 2007]
Angela Mai-Lin Cheng
Angela Cheng is considered one of this nation's most gifted concert pianists, appearing regularly on national and international stages. An outstanding ambassador for classical music, she is sought after as a recitalist, soloist, chamber musician, and educator. As one of the founding members of the Piano Six and as the artistic director of Piano Plus, Cheng has toured rural and remote communities across Canada, offering inspiration to young musicians.

Barrington, Daines. Account of a Very Young Musician in a Letter from the Hon. Daines Barrington, F.R.S., to Mathew Maty, Sec. R.S., Received November 28, 1769. Vancouver:
Turtle Press, 2006.
Account of a Very Young Musician
Barrington’s letter was first published in 1771 by the Royal Society, London, and is an account of Mozart’s visit to London when he was eight years old. This extract, printed in a limited edition was issued in celebration of the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. The text is handsomely printed letterpress on handmade paper and bound in quarter leather, spine titled in gilt, and with blue and black sari silk sides. [ML 410 M9 B37 2006]
Yvonne Chiu
U of A alumna Yvonne Shi-Wan Chiu is the founder of Edmonton's Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative, the Healthy Community Development Network, and the Health Care Citizenship Project. Recipient of a 2009 City Human Rights award from the John Humphrey Centre, Chiu has championed effective, culturally appropriate services for immigrant and refugee families, seeking to ensure the equal participation of numerous ethnicities in civic, social, and political life.
Seven Trees
This oversized limited edition book of autobiographical poems traces the different stages of the poet’s life: her childhood struggles in the Dominican Republic; her daunting immigration to New York; and the middle age happiness that she experiences quite unexpectedly in Vermont. Together, the poems are a story of one woman’s experience with feelings of estrangement and marginalization, but they can also be read allegorically as references to family trees and the extensive network of branches that connects everyone. The book features seven delicate lithographs of trees and foliage by Sara Eichner, elegant Perpetua typefaces, and handmade papers. The unique binding, specially designed by David Bourbeau, has the look and feel of tree bark. Only 65 copies were made; this copy is 28. [PS 3551 L97 S498 1998 folio]
Patrick Daniel
U of A alumnus Patrick Daniel demonstrates exemplary business and community leadership. As president and CEO of Enbridge Inc., he has championed corporate social responsibility and transformed traditional adversary utility relationships into effective alignments between production, refining, and distribution. Named Resource Person of the Year in 2010, he has noted that, "in the new millennium, we have to earn the right to keep doing business."
The Compleat Angler
Walton’s most famous work first appeared in 1653, and he added to it continually for a quarter of a century. The 5th and last edition of 1676 had eight more chapters and a second part added by Charles Cotton. The book was edited by Andrew Lang in 1896 and many modern editions have been published since. This edition was strictly limited and bound in a gilt decorated publisher’s binding. [PR 3757 W6 C7 1925]
Colonel (Retired) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell
Colonel (Retired) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell, seventeenth lieutenant governor of Alberta, is a veteran of fourteen international peace support operations and is one of Canada’s most experienced peacekeepers. He has also undertaken humanitarian work with the International Committee for the Relief of Starving and Suffering (ICROSS) and with CARE Canada in five refugee camps in Eastern Somalia and Kenya. Ethell is an officer of the Order of Canada, a member of the Alberta Order of Excellence and the Order of Military Merit, and a Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
Souvenir Album, Calgary
This splendid album has 30 stunning, captioned black and white photographs of Calgary in the early days of the twentieth century. Through the lens of a camera, we visit the First Street West subway, a Mount Royal neighbourhood, St. George’s Park Bridge, a handsome sightseeing car, the moonlit Bow River, and a beautiful night scene on Eighth Avenue. Additional photographs illustrate many important architectural landmarks that defined Calgary as a prosperous and growing city, including Senator James Lougheed’s residence, City Hall, the King George Hotel, and the stately Hudson’s Bay department store. Through many decades of tremendous growth Calgary has become a world-class cosmopolitan city, and these early photographs are a wonderful pictorial record of its impressive beginnings. [FC 3697.37 S68 1900]
Brewster Kahle
Brewster Kahle, creator of the Wide Area Information Server system and co-founder and director of the Internet Archive, has spent the past 14 years advancing the goal of universal knowledge by building the world's largest digital library. The initiative has preserved more than 30 billion pages of information that might otherwise have disappeared.

Sobota, Jan and Jarmila. I, Robot: Three Laws of Robotics. Loket, Czech Republic: Jan and Jarmila Sobota, 2007.
I, Robot: Three Laws of Robotics
Czech writer Karel Capek first used the word “robot” in 1921; then, in 1942, Isaac Asimov created the three laws of robotics that have become universal in science fiction. The Sobotas have printed the text in a miniature accordion book structure housed in a moulded robot’s body. Each sculpture was created with plasticine and metal parts and is stored in a matching clamshell box. [N 7433.4 S63 A6 I76 2007]
James G. Neal
Columbia University librarian James Neal has spent 35 years at the vanguard of the analog to digital transformation of modern libraries. He has contributed to important advances in electronic teaching and learning, copyright policy, preservation, and archiving. Leading the debate on intellectual property policy and open access to scholarly research, Neal continues to promote an expanding role for libraries in the twenty-first century.
Diderot/Doubleday/Deconstruction, Vol. III
An altered book, the carved leaves reveal the image of a papermaker with the caption, "Mold; Form; Matrix; Frame; Pattern; Cast; Format." The artist’s statement reads, “200 years after Diderot compiled his own encyclopedia, modern technology has provided us with alternative means for sifting through data. The presentation of information becomes a part of its meaning. The question arises, 'is the book itself a technology of the past?'" [N 7433.4 M123 A6 D54 1996]
Dr Kay Raseroka
University of Botswana Library Director Kay Raseroka served as the first African president of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Raseroka founded Botswana's Children’s Information Trust, and she has devoted more than 35 years to promoting the importance of oral learning in indigenous communities.
An African Folktale
This beautifully crafted work is an adaptation of an Efik Ibibio folktale, illustrated with 18 blind embossed intaglio designs printed from carved linoleum with some silk screen. It is encased in a canvas coloured solander box with a blocked crab motif. [N 7433.4 L52 A6 A25 1979 folio]
Dr Ernest Frederick Roots
Fred Roots worked both nationally and internationally to ensure that global organizations were created to establish Polar Regions for scientific research and environmental protection and conservation. While on the first truly international expedition to Antarctica in 1949, he helped set the course for future scientific exploration. Roots is the founder of the Polar Continental Shelf Project, and a mountain range is named after him in Antarctica.
With Peary Near the Pole
In 1891 Peary organized an expedition under the auspices of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. With the young Norwegian Astrup, Peary crossed the inland ice-cap of Greenland establishing the insularity of the country. The book is bound in a beautiful, gilt decorated publisher’s binding. [G 635 P4 A88]
Dr M. S. Swaminathan
Monkombo Sambasivan Swaminathan created an agricultural revolution in India in the 1960s when he pioneered biotechnological techniques to combine a dwarf Mexican wheat with Japanese and local Indian varieties. As head of the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, he used the same techniques to modify rice seeds. Swaminathan founded the Centre for Research on Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development, now the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, where scientists work directly with farmers and their families as partners and collaborators.

Farrer, Reginald John. Mimpish Squinnies: Reginald Farrer's Short Guide to Worthless Plants. Petersham: Lone Oak Press, 2007.
Mimpish Squinnies: Reginald Farrer's Short Guide to Worthless Plants
This charming limited edition book features plant descriptions from Reginald Farrer's (1880-1920) two-volume The English Rock-Garden (1919) in which he described each plant with his characteristic humour and wit. Farrer was an English naturalist and plant explorer who took great pride in his discovery of new plant specimens collected from the European Alps, Burma, Tibet, and China. Accompanying the text are 14 hand-coloured engravings of anthropomorphized plants and a portrait of Farrer by celebrated artist Abigail Rorer. This edition of only 40 copies was bound with a handmade plant fibre paper over boards and is enclosed in a clamshell case covered in green Chinese silk. It won the prestigious Gregynog Prize in 2009 for the best letterpress printed book of the past two years. [Z 232 L66 F37 2007]
Dr Romila Thapar
Romila Thapar is a recognized authority on Ancient Indian history. Her pioneering work has had a profound impact on historical writing for decades and has shaped the study of Indian history. Thapar has set the course for both the study of early Indian texts as history and the critical integration of archeological evidence and written sources.
Masterpieces of the Kalpasutra Paintings
This brilliant publication includes 484 illustrations in colour and black and white. This is the first time the complete series of the oldest miniature Raga Paintings of the Western Indian School from the collection of Jainacharya Jjayasimhasuriji and the nine paintings of The Early Gujarati Raga have been published in reproduction. The author used only 32 MSS out of hundreds scattered in every part of India to provide access to lovers of Indian Art and scholars who wish to study the school of Western Indian Minature Painting. [ND 3385 K3 N32 1956]
Dr Aubrey Tingle
U of A alumnus Aubrey Tingle is an accomplished pediatric virologist who has made major contributions to scientific understanding of the interaction between rubella virus infection and host immune responses. Tingle’s visionary leadership as the former president of the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research at the University of British Columbia contributed to the foundation's internationally renowned success.

Gatenby, Greg. Whale Sound: An Anthology of Poems about Whales and Dolphins. Toronto: Dreadnought, 1977.
Whale Sound: An Anthology of Poems about Whales and Dolphins
A meld of fine art and social concern, this is a beautifully illustrated Canadian anthology of poems on the themes of marine ecology, in general, and whale survival, in particular. Most of the poems were written specifically for this publication. Contributors include Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Livesay, Irving Layton, Susan Musgrave, Bill Bissett, and a host of others. This book is bound in a leather design binding by British Columbia’s Courtland Benson. [PS 8287 W5 W55 1977]
Allan Wachowich
Former Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, Allan Wachowich is an inspiring example—both on and off the bench—of how much one person can accomplish through compassion and hard work. An invaluable contributor to the Canadian Judicial Council who has advanced legal education both here and abroad, he is also an active supporter of many humanitarian and community initiatives.

Great Britain Courts.The Compleat Sollicitor Performing His Duty; and Teaching His Clyent to Run through and Manage His Own Business, as Well in His Majesties Superiour Courts at Westminster, as in the Mayor's Court, Court of Hustings, and Other Inferiour Courts, Both in the City of London and Elsewhere. London: Ja. Cotterel, 1668.
The Compleat Sollicitor Performing His Duty
Cotterel set up his shop in about 1649. During the Commonwealth he printed many pamphlets that offended the authorities. In 1664 he was arrested and imprisoned for a time for illegally printing law books. A survey of the press in 1668 indicates that he had two presses, two compositors, and no apprentices, so it can be inferred that his business was not a large one. [KF 300 C73 1668]