Honorary Degree Books 2018
Nahlah Ayed
One of Canada’s most respected foreign correspondents, Nahlah Ayed has reported the human impact of global events, particularly in the Middle East, for more than 15 years. Of Palestinian heritage and fluent in English, French, and Arabic, she has gained access to people, places, and events that would otherwise go unheard and unseen—sometimes putting her own safety at risk in her reporting. A recipient of the President’s Award from the Canadian Press for her coverage of the Afghanistan conflict and the Canadian Association of Journalists Award for her story on the Roma community in Hungary and Canada, she is a three-time Gemini Award nominee for her reporting from Iran, Iraq, and Egypt.
Burmese Days
A first edition of George Orwell’s first novel, this copy was beautifully re-bound in black morocco by the Chelsea Bindery. The novel grows out of Orwell’s experiences during five years working as a commissioned officer in the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, an experience that seems to have stirred his social conscience and inspired him to speak out. Orwell’s critique of colonial authorities in Burmese Days is so complete that the manuscript was rejected by three British publishers, who feared libel, before Orwell decided to seek an American publisher. In her authoritative Orwell bibliography, Gillian Fenwick notes that Harper Brothers of New York had similar concerns but agreed to publish the novel with only minor alterations. A year later, Victor Gollancz finally agreed to publish a British edition “with various names etc altered, so the American edition,” as Orwell told Henry Miller in a letter (dated 26 Aug. 1936), “is the proper one.” [PR 6029 R98 B96 1934]
Louise Bradley
Louise Bradley has dedicated her professional life to improving Canadians’ mental health through advocacy, collaboration, and public policy. As president and CEO of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, she oversaw the development of Canada’s first national mental health strategy and the world’s first workplace psychological safety standard. She has received the 2017 Humanitarian Award from the Canadian Psychological Association, the Innovation Award for Healthcare Leadership from the Canadian College of Health Leaders, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Diary Drawings: Mental Illness and Me
Bobby Baker has enjoyed an illustrious career in England as a multi-disciplinary artist for more than 40 years. In 1996 she was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. The drawings and watercolours in her book provide fascinating insight into her 11-year struggle with mental illness and a 2007 breast cancer diagnosis; they were selected from over 700 made between January 1997 and August 2008. The book has 17 chapters, called “stages,” that tell the story of Baker’s lengthy journey to full recovery, and each chapter corresponds with themed rooms where all 158 of Baker’s published illustrations were first displayed in 2009 at the Wellcome Collection in London in a major exhibition. The book was awarded Mind Book of the Year in 2011 by Mind, a mental health charity in England and Wales, which founded the annual prize in 1982 for outstanding books that heighten understanding of mental health issues. This first edition copy of Baker’s highly collectable book is signed by the artist. [N 6797 B34 A2 2010]
The Right Honourable Helen Elizabeth Clark
Helen Clark served as prime minister of New Zealand from 1999 to 2008. Under her leadership, the government pursued policies aimed at reducing inequalities, protecting the environment, fostering arts and culture, and settling historical grievances with Indigenous people. From 2009 to 2017, she was the administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, which focuses on promoting sustainable development around the world. She continues to engage widely in public policy debate globally, including as a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which advocates for evidence-based policy. She is a member of the Order of New Zealand, her country’s highest honour.

Hoani Paniana [John Bunyan]. He Moemoea. Otira, ko nga korero o te huarahi, e rere atu nei te tangata i tenei ao, a, tapoko noa ano ki tera ao atu; he kupu whakarite. Trans. Henry Tacy Kemp. Poneke [Wellington, NZ]: Te Toki [Robert Stokes], 1854.
He Moemoea. Otira, ko nga korero o te huarahi, e rere atu nei te tangata i tenei ao, a, tapoko noa ano ki tera ao atu; he kupu whakarite
A fine copy of the first Maori language edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress, this book is a very special addition to the extraordinary collection of John Bunyan’s works housed in Bruce Peel Special Collections and the first copy to be housed in a North American library. Enclosed in its original printed wrappers (i.e., paper covers), it has been rebound in a mid-nineteenth century half leather period binding by Edmonton bookbinder Alexander J. McGuckin. The original line drawings—on plates facing pages 6, 28, 56, 68, 162, and 212—are intact. We can tell that this copy is largely unread because it has many unopened pages: in other words, the folds that were used in the construction of the component sections of the book have not been trimmed or cut to allow the pages to turn freely. [PR 3330 A82 1854]
Dr Ralph C. Haas
Ralph Haas is known in the engineering world as “the father of pavement asset management.” His pioneering concepts and technologies have resulted in better-performing, safer, and less costly road networks. The author of 12 books and numerous technical articles on pavement and infrastructure asset management, he is also an educator whose students have become leaders in transportation agencies, consultancies, and universities. Dr Haas is a member of the Order of Canada, fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee medals, and U of A Distinguished Alumni Award recipient.
A Practical Treatise on Roads, Streets, and Pavements
In the book’s preface, the author advises readers that he had three objectives in mind for his text. Firstly, “To give, within the compass of one small volume, such descriptions of the various methods of locating country roads, and of constructing the road and street coverings in more or less common use at the present day, as will render the essential details of those methods, as well as certain improvements thereon of which many of them are believed to be susceptible, familiar to any non-professional reader” (3). Secondly, “To make such practical suggestions with respect to the selection and application of materials, more especially those, with the properties and uses of which builders are presumed to be the least acquainted, as seem needful in order to develop their greatest practical worth, and realize their greatest endurance” (3). Finally, “To institute a just and discriminating comparison of the respective merits of the several street pavements now competing for popular recognition and favor, under the varying conditions of traffic, climate, and locality, to which they are commonly subjected” (3). This copy of an influential text on streets and street pavements is beautifully bound in brown decorative cloth with gilt lettering on the spine. [TE 145 G48 1876]
The Honourable Dan Hays
The Honourable Dan Hays has made lasting contributions to Alberta and Canada as a lawyer, livestock breeder, and Canadian senator. With his father, Harry Hays, he developed the only recognized Canadian pure breed of cattle, the Hays Converter. During his parliamentary career, he served in various roles including president of the Liberal Party of Canada (1994-1998), deputy leader of the government in the Senate (1999), leader of the Opposition (2006-2007), and speaker (2001-2006). As a senator, Hays influenced policy related to agriculture, forestry, energy, and the environment. He was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor of Japan in 2000 and was made an officer of France’s Légion d’honneur in 2011.
North-West Brand Book
This early brand book is a detailed record of all livestock brands in the North-West Territories that were registered with the government records office in Regina. It contains the following information for each entry: picture of the brand, owner's name, ranch location, type of animal ("C." for cattle and "H." for horses), and location of the brand on the animal ("sh." for shoulder, "t." for thigh, "n." for neck, "j." for jaw, etc.). It also includes several pages of advertisements for Swiss cow bells, Dr. Clark's White Linament, Drewry's Refined Ale, Massey-Harris machinery, Tuckett's Marguerite Cigars, St. John's Condition Powders, BDC Gin Pills ("will cure every known disease arising from deranged kidneys"), and Dr. Warnock's Ulcerkure ("The Modern Wound Healing Wonder For Man or Beast"). Copies of this brand book were available by applying to the Herald Company in Calgary for $2.00 per copy. Today, brand books in good or better condition have become so collectible that they tend to sell quickly on the open market for hundreds of dollars and more. [SF 103 N87 1903]
Stephen Kakfwi
Stephen Kakfwi has devoted his life to advancing the Aboriginal land and self-government rights of the Northwest Territories Dene, Métis, and Inuit. He organized the NWT Dene’s and Métis’s participation in the landmark Berger inquiry and then served as president of the Dene Nation from 1983 to 1987. He became an elected member of the NWT legislature in 1987, serving until 2003, the last four years as premier. His major accomplishments include settling several land claims, developing and implementing a NWT Protected Areas Strategy, and playing an important role in the creation of Nunavut. He received the Aboriginal Achievement Award for Public Service in 1997 and the Governor General’s Northern Medal in 2012.

George P. Nicholas and Thomas D. Andrews, eds. At a Crossroads: Archaeology and First Peoples in Canada. Archaeology Press, 1997.
At a Crossroads: Archaeology and First Peoples in Canada
This collection of twenty-two essays offers a progressive model of scholarship that reflects growing respect between archaeologists and Indigenous peoples in Canada. In their introduction, Nicholas and Andrews say that the book is “archaeology done with, for, and by Indigenous peoples” (3), asserting that cultural identity is deeply impacted when one has the “ability to control what happens to one’s ancestors, one’s artifacts, one’s lands” (8). The essayists, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, explore a range of complex issues that are being debated within Indigenous communities, where some may see archaeology as threatening to oral history and others may see it as a useful tool to support land claims, and among archaeologists who are being counselled to work harder at cross-cultural communication. [E 78 C2 A82 1997]
Dr France Levasseur-Ouimet
As a professor, lyricist, historian, playwright, and composer, France Levasseur-Ouimet has shone a spotlight on the vitality of francophone culture in Alberta throughout her career. She was instrumental in developing Faculté Saint-Jean as a centre of excellence in training teachers for French immersion programs and francophone schools in Western Canada. In 2002 she was inducted into the Ordre des Francophones d’Amérique, the government of Quebec’s highest honour, and in 2016 the Alberta Foundation for the Arts named her among the top 25 most influential artists in the province. Her choral piece “Je te retrouve/I remember you” was adopted as the U of A’s centenary song in 2008 and has been performed at every convocation since.
![An image of <em>Filles et garçons: Scènes de la ville et des champs</em> by Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] An image of <em>Filles et garçons: Scènes de la ville et des champs</em> by Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault]](https://omeka.library.ualberta.ca/files/fullsize/9d58147d32a349b401a4617b1d73b4b4.jpg)
[Jacques Anatole Thibault]. Filles et garçons: Scènes de la ville et des champs by Anatole France. Ill. M.B. de Monvel. Librarie Hachette, n.d.
Filles et garçons: Scènes de la ville et des champs
Anatole France is the pseudonym of distinguished writer and critic Jacques Anatole Thibault (1844–1924), who was elected to the Académie française in 1896 and awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1921. The son of a Parisian book dealer, Thibault pursued his writing while he held several different positions, including working as assistant librarian at the Senate from 1876 to 1890. A prolific writer in the French classical tradition, Thibault’s writing is best known for exploring themes relating to social justice. A charmingly-illustrated children’s book, Filles et garçons offers gentle childish lessons through tales of everyday life in the latter decades of the nineteenth century. [PQ 2254 F83 1900]
David Matas
David Matas has devoted his career as a lawyer and scholar to advocating for human rights around the world. Currently serving as senior legal counsel for B’nai Brith Canada, he has maintained a practice in refugee, immigration, and human rights law for nearly four decades and has served with Canadian delegations to the United Nations and in numerous volunteer roles with organizations including Amnesty International. He also earned international acclaim for his research into organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. He was named to the Order of Canada in 2008 and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

Richard Burn. A New Law Dictionary: Intended for General Use, as Well as for Gentlemen of the Profession. T. Cadell, 1792.
A New Law Dictionary: Intended for General Use, as Well as for Gentlemen of the Profession
Having earned a reputation as an accomplished legal scholar, Richard Burn (1709–1785) was appointed Chancellor of the Diocese of Carlisle in 1765, an office he held until his death at the age of 86. In his preface, Burns explains the democratic aims of his book: “It is now offered to the world, in the pleasing confidence, that it will answer the end for which, I have reason to think, it was originally intended; I mean, for the use and information of those, who wish to have a rational knowledge of matters relating to their lives, properties, and other essential interests; to the critical knowledge of which, they are not professionally bred” (v). This handsome two-volume set has an etched frontispiece portrait of Burn, a one-page publisher catalogue, and a recent quarter calf binding over green cloth. [KD 313 B87 1792 v.1-2]
Brenda McLean
Brenda McLean is a generous benefactor of health care and education in Alberta and British Columbia. Through her family foundation, she was instrumental in creating a pioneering centre for spinal research and treatment at Vancouver General Hospital. Her contributions to post-secondary education include establishing a chair in Canadian studies at the University of British Columbia; endowing numerous scholarships at UBC, Queen’s, and U of A; and establishing the Brenda and David McLean Reading Room in the U of A’s law school. Great-granddaughter of Alberta’s first premier, Alexander Rutherford, McLean also contributed to the building of Presidents’ Circle and The Visionaries, a sculpture at U of A honouring Rutherford and founding president Henry Marshall Tory.

Philip Jones. An Essay on Crookedness, or Distortions of the Spine; Shewing the Insufficiency of a Variety of Modes Made Use of for Relief in Those Cases; and Proposing Methods, Easy, Safe, and More Effectual for the Completion of Their Cures; with Some Hints for the Prevention of These Affections, and Their Disagreeable, Painful, and Dangerous Consequences. London, 1788.
An Essay on Crookedness, or Distortions of the Spine; Shewing the Insufficiency of a Variety of Modes Made Use of for Relief in Those Cases; and Proposing Methods, Easy, Safe, and More Effectual for the Completion of Their Cures; with Some Hints for the Prevention of These Affections, and Their Disagreeable, Painful, and Dangerous Consequences.
Philip Jones’s text on serious distortions of the spine is one of the earliest published works on the subject, and it includes five engraved plates illustrating distorted spines. In his introduction, Jones explains that many prior attempts to heal distorted spines have been unsuccessful: "Amongst the number of diseases which afflict the human body, there are few attended with more disagreeable consequences, and which appear to have been more neglected, than that which is the subject of the following sheets. Why it has been so much disregarded is not easy to conjecture, unless from the unsuccessful attempts which have been repeatedly made by many, having occasioned it to be considered as incurable; and perhaps from the contempt of modes, which, because they were simple and merely mechanical, have been thought inadequate to produce the desired effects" (1). Jones describes numerous cases of children and adults who have been healed by his treatment for spinal distortions. This copy of Jones’s book is bound in full calf and it includes an engraved portrait of the author. [RD 771 S3 J66 1788]
Dr David Naylor
David Naylor has had a transformative impact on the ways that medical and public health services in Canada are developed, delivered, and led. His research on cardiovascular diseases has had a substantial impact on care for people with heart disease over the last 25 years. He was instrumental in the creation of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the appointment of Canada’s first chief public health officer. A former president of the University of Toronto, he chaired a federal review of support for fundamental science that resulted in significant new funding for health and scientific research in the 2018 federal budget. He was named a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2004, a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2005, and an officer of the Order of Canada in 2006.

Shadrach Ricketson. Means of Preserving Health, and Preventing Diseases: Founded Principally on an Attention to Air and Climate, Drink, Food, Sleep, Exercise, Clothing, Passions of the Mind, and Retentions and Excretions. Collins, Perkins, 1806.
Means of Preserving Health, and Preventing Diseases: Founded Principally on an Attention to Air and Climate, Drink, Food, Sleep, Exercise, Clothing, Passions of the Mind, and Retentions and Excretions
Written by an influential New York physician, this pioneering book was designed “not merely for physicians, but for the information of others,” and, according to an endorsement signed by several subscribers, it is “well worthy” of the “attention of every class of society” (i). It is thought to be the first comprehensive manual of preventative medicine published in America, and it is also one of the first medical books to take into account the localized health concerns specific to the inhabitants of America (vi). While physicians are in the business of curing diseases, Dr Ricketson argues that many diseases are more readily prevented than cured and that “the preservation of health must, in some measure, be committed to the care and judgment of every individual” (viii). [RA 775 R53 1806]
Dr Rajinder S. Pannu
An alumnus and former professor at the U of A, Raj Pannu has lived by his belief that a university education should be used to serve the public good. After retiring in 1996 from a 27-year academic career in the departments of educational policy studies and sociology, he served as MLA for Edmonton-Strathcona from 1997 to 2008. As leader of the provincial New Democratic Party from 2000 to 2004, he laid the groundwork for political culture change in Alberta. As one of the first Canadians of South Asian descent to lead a major political party, he helped pave the way for a diverse new generation of politicians. In 2008, he received the Public Education Award from the Alberta Teachers’ Association.

H.R.H. Princess Louise. Letter to John D. Higinbotham. 13 September 1924. TS. Bruce Peel Special Collections, Edmonton.
H.R.H. Princess Louise. Letter to John D. Higinbotham
Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (1848–1939), Marchioness of Lorne, was the sixth child and fourth daughter of Queen Victoria. Princess Louise married John Campbell, Marquess of Lorne, on March 21, 1871, and in 1878 the couple moved to Canada when Campbell was appointed Governor General of Canada. The Province of Alberta was named for Princess Louise, but as time passed many people forgot the true origin of the provincial name. Some people assumed that the province was named after Prince Albert, while others were convinced that it was named after King Edward VII (Albert Edward). Postmaster and druggist, John D. Higinbotham (1864–1961), wanted to put to rest any lingering doubts about the origin of the province’s name, so he took it upon himself to settle the matter by writing to Princess Louise. She sent a thoughtful reply in affirmation: “You are perfectly correct in your belief that the beautiful, sunlit and prosperous Province, of Alberta was named after me by my husband, the Marquis of Lorne, the then Governor-General of Canada. He was asked to name it, as it was wished that the name should be associated with his tenure of his office. There being various objections to my first name, owing to the difficulty of keeping it quite original, he decided to call it after my last name, Alberta, of which he was very fond.” The typescript letter to Higinbotham of Lethbridge, Alberta includes a signed photograph of Princess Louise, and both items are housed in a custom portfolio with gilt lettering. [FC 3656 L888 1924]
Mark Henry Rowswell
As a television personality and cultural ambassador, Mark Henry Rowswell (“Dashan”) has used humour and a deep respect for Chinese culture to bridge perceived divides between West and East. Famed for his proficiency in Mandarin and his mastery of the traditional comedic dialogue known as xiangsheng (“cross talk”)—he is a household name to more than a billion people in China—he has used his public profile to advocate for public health and social causes. He served as Canadian team attaché for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and as Commissioner General for Canada at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2006 and was named Canada’s Goodwill Ambassador to China in 2012.
Sidelights on Peking Life
Born in China, Robert W. Swallow was fluent in Mandarin, and he was also perfectly familiar with the culture, history, and geography of Peking (i.e., Beijing) in the early twentieth century. His book covers a variety of topics about Peking life in twelve chapters, from “Peking, a City of Pleasure” to “Tales of the Spirit World.” The chapter on “Feasts and Restaurants” is especially engrossing with its description of a typical Chinese feast and why it is so central to Chinese life: “It is the master compromiser and its services are requisitioned on every possible occasion. Nothing is settled without its aid and no enterprise is started except under its auspices” (53). Bound in pictorial red cloth, the book is copiously illustrated with 50 captioned photographs and a map of Peking. [DS 795 S8 1927]
Jeremy Spurgeon
One of our country’s foremost organists, pianists, accompanists, and choir directors, Jeremy Spurgeon has devoted his talents to building and serving Edmonton’s music community for nearly four decades. An advocate for classical and church music in Edmonton, he played a crucial role in lobbying to build the Davis Concert Organ—the largest concert organ in Canada—at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. Spurgeon is principal organist with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and has been music director at All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral since 1980. In 2015, he received the Diocese of Edmonton’s Excellence in Music Award and the City of Edmonton’s Citation Award for Arts and Culture.

John Norbury. The Box of Whistles, An Illustrated Book on Organ Cases; With Notes on Organs at Home and Abroad. Bradbury, Agnew, 1877.
The Box of Whistles, An Illustrated Book on Organ Cases; With Notes on Organs at Home and Abroad
Offering "short descriptions of the different classes of organ cases" and of specific instruments, the author acknowledges his "quaint title" and the need "to beg those who read this, my first work, not to be very severe on my errors and shortcomings" (1-2). However, the charm of this little book lies less in the descriptive text than in the twenty full-page colour lithographs by Cooper & Hodson of London. These colour lithographs, based on the author's own sketches, showcase the wide variety of ornately-decorative organs that could be seen in major European cities in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Although there are copies of this book in British and American libraries, this will be the first copy to be housed in a Canadian library. [ML 552 N7 1877 folio]
Dr David Suzuki
David Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, broadcaster, author, and activist whose devotion to promoting scientific literacy, which began in 1963 on the U of A television program Your University Speaks, has made him a Canadian icon. As host of the CBC television series The Nature of Things with David Suzuki since 1979, he is the face of environmental consciousness to generations of Canadians as well as viewers in more than 40 countries worldwide. Suzuki has been honoured with eight names and formal adoption by two First Nations for his support of Canada’s Indigenous peoples. He received the McNeil Medal from the Royal Society of Canada in 2001 and was named a companion of the Order of Canada in 2005.
Love for the Earth
Published in a limited edition of only 95 copies, this deluxe book was created to celebrate the manifold beauties of Earth. The book begins with a chapter aptly titled “The Cosmic Origins” and ends with “Peace and the Silent Stars.” Lubbock’s text is complemented with his beautiful artwork that depicts seemingly eternal terrestrial scenes of lands and seas, including rainforests, mountain ranges, icebergs, shorelines, and wind-blown plains and deserts. In the chapter titled “The Ultimate Interdependence,” Lubbock poses crucial questions: “Can the dedicated few who face daunting odds to hold so many species from the abyss of premature extinction, and to preserve the purity of atmosphere and essential vegetation, count on the unstinting help of nations? Our resources are adequate to provide the healing means; can we summon the necessary collective will” (17)? Lubbock’s magnificent book was designed and printed by Will Carter at the Rampant Lions Press, hand bound by George Percival, and signed and numbered 5 of 95 by the author/artist. [G 70 L83 1990]
Dr Nettie Wiebe
Nettie Wiebe has been an influential voice for equality, ethics, and social justice for decades. A farmer, feminist, activist, and champion of global food security, she served as president and CEO of the National Farmers Union of Canada from 1995 to 1998—the first woman to lead a national farm organization in Canada. She held prominent positions in La Via Campesina, a global organization that fosters unity and sustainable practices among small farmer organizations. From 1999 until retiring in 2015, she was also a professor at St. Andrew’s College at the University of Saskatchewan. Since 1976, she has managed an organic family farm with her husband and four children.

Arthur Hollins. The Farmer, the Plough and the Devil: The Story of Fordhall Farm. Ashgrove Press, 1984.
The Farmer, the Plough and the Devil: The Story of Fordhall Farm
Arthur and May Hollins were pioneers of organic farming who made great strides advancing the principles of sustainable farming, conservation, and diversification of crops. The book tells the story of how the Hollins family overcame many adversities to reclaim poor soil and ultimately restore their land without the use of chemicals. Hollins died in early 2006 at the age of 89 and his first wife May died in an automobile accident in 1975, but their famous farm continues to inspire future generations of organic farmers. Fordham Farm operates today as a community-owned farm in Market Drayton, a market town in North Shropshire, England, where it is open year round to the public for tours, events, and retail sales. This first edition copy of Hollins’s seminal work on organic farming has the scarce dust jacket that features a charming linocut farm scene on the front cover by Barbara Vincent. [S 605.5 H65 1984]